Friday, April 1, 2011

In it for the loooong haul

It has been almost exactly two weeks since Carl and I left Huntington, WV after giving an one week notice at our jobs, packing up our entire apartment, selling off almost everything we own, and forcing hangers upon every person we knew. It's been one heck of a whirlwind!!! After a fantastic showing at our going away party and 3 hours of sleep, Carl and I started our gypsy life in Camden, South Carolina. In 9 days we traveled to South Carolina, Athens, GA, Monroe County, WV, West Chester PA, and Washington, DC. Yeah... That's a lot of miles!!!!   And we aren't done yet! On April 6th I go from Monroe County, WV eventually to Columbus OH. Our flight leaves at 6am from Columbus OH where we were first fly to Chicago and have a 2 hour lay over. Next stop, Seattle. And then Seoul. Wait... We won't get to rest yet! Then there is a 3 hour bus ride to our new home of Gwangju, South Korea! In 36 hours, we will be actively traveling for 26hrs.

On a side note, I'd like to mention just how truly lucky we've been. We have had a wonderful opportunity to see as much of our family as possible and everyone has been so accommodating and flexible. We literally gave everyone a week and half notice before showing up, and many of them had to rearrange their own lives in order to see us, which was incredibly special. These past two weeks have meant more to me than I can even begin to put into words (as tears roll down my face) There is a certain bond that forms around family when you know that your time is restricted and to appreciate the time that you have. We have strengthen so many relationships with our families, as well as our own relationship. (Seriously... Try spending 50 hrs in a car with one person and not wanting to kill them... It's harder than you think!!) There is a mix of emotions flying around. Sad to leave, but excited to take the next step!

안녕히 계세요. 
 Stay in peace

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